Monday, February 9, 2009

Comment Away People!

So today I received an email from my good buddy Dan, who stated that he was bummed that he couldn't comment on how lame I was for liking High School Musical. I also got a comment on our family blog relating the same problem. I was relieved to find this out, because I was starting to get a little bit bummed out that nobody was commenting on my freakin awesome blog. So I have fixed the problem and all are welcome to share feelings of love, kindness, and all things evil with me too. And before I say goodbye, I would like to mention the Grammy's were awesome last night. And seeing Neil Diamond brought back memories from my childhood. I was able to attend a Neil Diamond concert at the Salt Palace. It was one of the best concerts I have ever been too. No Joke! Hate on haters, but Neil Diamond ROCKS!!


Anonymous said...

When we were on our Alaska cruise, there was a Neil Diamond tribute band "Neil Diamond Rocks". The band had the look and sound down pretty well, including the singer looking very much like Mr. Diamond.

The old people went crazy for him (especially the ladies), but I have to admit, Neil Diamond does rock. If you don't think he rocks, then you don't know his music. Or you don't know that you know his music.

emily said...

don't worry, I was belting out "Sweet Caroline" last night too...

Chris said...

Dude Dan, HSM ftw! Seriously, I dig it. I'm a 31 year old father of 3 boys (one on the way). The boys (6, 4, 2) love Troy. ha ha Goot times!